



Dossier de la Rédaction


Stakeholders Redouble Field Efforts

The political atmosphere in Douala is characterised by sensitisation meetings to curb voter apathy, especially amongst youths.

Giving the approach of municipal, legislative and senatorial elections announced by the Head of State, President Paul Biya, slated this year, local stakeholders have decided not to be taken unawares by events. Such was the objective of a one day conference at the Littoral Regional Delegation of Tourism and Leisure, organised by the Joss Administrative Local Comity of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM). The initiative by Charles Mbile Bekondo, President of the subsection, aimed at curbing voter apathy among the youths, given that the area registered a timid turn out for registration on the voters’ list.
Addressing the session, he said given his double roles as member of the Wouri Divisional Commission and Vice President of the Douala I communal commission for the follow up of registration on the voters’ list, he thought it imminent to present the stakes and challenges to the youths, who constitute the majority of the population. Which advantage can only be useful if they register massively so as to sustain their candidates through votes at the appropriate time. The meeting ended with a motion of support to the party’s President, Senior Comrade Paul Biya. Meanwhile ELECAM officials set the pace by registering all present in a temporal bureau.
Likewise, the National Youth Council, through the Douala II Local Executive Bureau held a similar activity in the New Bell neighbourhood. According to the Communal President, Bello Mahaman, one of the main objectives of the National Youth Council is to enable youth understand as well as partake in the country’s political, economic and socio-cultural activities. Regrouping youths of voting ages, presidents of groups and associations in the Doauala II municipality, the interactive session was placed under the theme: “Vote, a civic duty of Cameroonians in General and of youths in particular: problematic, impacts and proposed solutions.” A number of resolutions were met with the goal of getting more youth involved in decision taking activities.

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