



Dossier de la Rédaction


SDF Engages In Proximity Voter Registration

Electoral District Chairpersons ensures that grassroots supporters register.

Ni John Fru Ndi’s Social Democratic Front, SDF, the leading opposition party in Cameroon had adopted the door-to-door and proximity strategy in mobilising its supporters and potential voters in general to enrol in the electoral registers in the current biometric recompilation of the electoral registers.

Chairman Fru Ndi has embarked on a mobilisation campaign in which he is expected to encourage registration in the North West, West, Centre and South West Regions. According to the National Secretary for Communication in the SDF, Beatrice Annembom Monju, the North West lap of Fru Ndi’s tour will end with a grand rally in Bamenda this weekend. He is expected to be in Tubah Subdivision of Mezam Division on Thursday, February 7. On why the SDF Chairman is spending much of the time in the North West Region, Beatrice Annembom said he was initially programmed to visit only six towns but due to mounting pressure from party supporters, he is bound to move to other localities.

The Social Democratic Front, in the words of its Communication Secretary is a highly organised party, hence the proper organisation of the registration mobilisation campaign. The basic grassroots structure is the Ward after which comes the Electoral District that corresponds to Subdivisions. Instead of appointing party officials to move round mobilising voters, the SDF Electoral District Chairpersons are in charge of their areas of competence and work with Ward and District officials to ensure that party supporters are first and foremost registered before attention is paid to encouraging all the other potential voters.

Party officials inquire about Elections Cameroon voters registration programme and use megaphones, town criers and other proximity means of communication to inform potential voters, urging them to register and perform their civic right of voting in elections.

So far, Beatrice Annembom said, the SDF was satisfied with collaboration with the elections and referenda governing body, ELECAM. The party however, has difficulties financing the movement of its officials as they carry out the mobilisation campaign.

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