



Dossier de la Rédaction


Potential Voters Progressively Collect Cards

Voters have been enthusiastic since the convening of September 30 elections. The South West Regional Delegate of ELECAM, Emmanuel Njang has called on the population of the South West Region to hasten to collect their voter’s cards to avoid last minute congestion. He said that it is also necessary to collect their cards because the card is the only weapon they have to decide on who they want to be their leaders.

Talking to Cameroon Tribune, Mr. Njang said ELECAM has been putting in place the necessary material from the day electors were called to the polls for the September 30, 2013 twin municipal and legislative elections. He said they are arranging forms for the various constituencies to carry on the reception exercise of the nomination papers from the political parties. Mr Njang said the job of ELECAM for the time being is to receive files from political parties, which is due in the next eight days.

The political parties are doing primaries now to select their candidates so it’s pretty too early to submit their files now. He added nevertheless that political parties have been coming around to ask for the receipts for the registration but he said they have been sent them back to their respective council branch offices where they registered. Because it is necessary for them to be closer to their communities they will be representing.

The South West ELECAM Regional Delegate said they just ended a capacity building seminar and soft wares have been distributed to participants on how to handle legislative and municipal elections. Mr. Njang said collection of cards was done lackadaisically at the beginning, but since the Head of State announced the elections day potential voters have hastened the collection of their cards. He said they have received over 90 percent of the voters’ cards in the South West Region. He added that they have had problems accessing the hinterlands for distribution.

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