



Dossier de la Rédaction


Staff College Graduates 44 Officers

The 34th batch of the institution received attestations in Yaounde yesterday August 1.

They were 48 who went in for a five-month course but only 44 received testimonials while four others performed below average. The Secretary of State in the Ministry of Defence in charge of Ex-servicemen and War Victims, Koumpa Issa yesterday August 1, 2013 at the Yaounde Staff College at the EMIA neighbourhood chaired the graduation ceremony attended by a cross-section of high-ranking military officials.

In his opening speech, the Commander of the Yaounde Staff College, Lieutenant Colonel Oussoumanou Babikir, stressed that conscious of the need to adapt to new security challenges especially with the recurrence in terrorism and asymmetric attacks, it was indispensable to take on the training. The officers from the National Gendarmerie, Army, Air Force, Navy and Fire Brigade were challenged to remain objective, professional, loyal and implement lessons with the strict respect of the ethics of the corps.

The 48 course participants were schooled on modern military operations with emphasis on operational communication. They then received their certificates one after the other, in strict military tradition.

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