



Dossier de la Rédaction


CPDM Prepares For Victory In Widikum

A meeting that took place in the locality recently was to strategise on winning strategies.

Militants of the ruling CPDM party in Widikum Sub-division in Momo Division have promised to stand by the party come next municipal and parliamentary elections. They made the promise recently in Widikum during a political meeting organised by the outgoing Member of Parliament for  Momo West Constituency  Hon. Enwe Francis Abi.

The meeting that was aimed at galvanising more support for the CPDM also gave the parliamentarian an opportunity to give an account of his stewardship at the National Assembly. During the event, the various speakers thanked the Head of State President Paul Biya for the ongoing construction of the Bamenda–Widikun-Mamfe road. They said upon completion their Sub-division will witness more development.

The second assistant mayor of Widikum council, Tangwo Linus, appreciated the MP for what he termed has been his fighting spirit. He said before 2007 Widikum Sub-division could hardly benefit much from the Public Investment Budget projects but today Widikum is counting billions thanks to their CPDM parliamentarian. However, he reiterated that much is still to be done for the development of Widikum like the provision of pipe-born water, electrification of some villages, opening of farm-to-market roads among others. On behalf of the population of Widikum, he promised their total support to the CPDM come September 30.

Speaking on behalf of the elite, Tayo Danis promised their unflinching support to the Head of State President Paul Biya, calling on all registered voters to collect their voters’ cards so as to cast their votes for the CPDM party during the municipal and parliamentary elections.

On his part, the outgoing MP, Enwe Francis Abi, enumerated some major achievements  in Widikum since he went to Parliament and promised to do more if voted again. He promised to continue to serve the people adding that no village will be left out in his next developmental plans. He therefore called on the population to vote for him come September 30.

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