



Dossier de la Rédaction


MINEPAT: Priority To Accelerate Sustainable Economic Growth

The 2014 draft budgetary allocation of the Ministry stands at FCFA 47.802 billion.

The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi early December 2, 2013 morning defended the draft budget of the ministry in the Committee on Finance and Budget of the National Assembly. This was in the presence of the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali and the Minister of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey.

The draft budgetary allocation stands at FCFA 47.802 billion against FCFA 46.429 billion in 2013. FCFA 38.199 billion is planned to be used for public investment while FCFA 9.603 billion will be used as recurrent budget.

Minister Nganou Djoumessi told members of the Committee that MINEPAT intends to intensify its contribution to the achievement of a steady, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and promote a balanced development of the national territory. The ambition, he said, the ministry intends to achieve through four key priorities programmes. One of them is support to economic revitalization for the acceleration of growth. Other programmes include the enhancement of development planning and intensification of regional development actions, enhancement of development partnerships and regional integration and finally governance and institutional support from the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Sub-sectors.  To carry out the programmes, the ministry requested an overall budget allocation of FCFA 51,356,839,000 under commitment authorizations and FCFA 47,802,339,000 in payment appropriations.

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