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Gov’t Suspends 72 Illegal Forest Exploiters

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Gov’t Suspends 72 Illegal Forest Exploiters
72 entreprises forestières suspendues pour activités illégales
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The sanctioned companies include those holding the Wood Removal Permits (AEB) and the Authorisations for Timber Recovery (ARB).

The Minister of Forestry and Wildlife has put an end to the logging activities of 72 wood recovery and timber recovery companies in the non-permanent forestry sector for what he termed is government’s move to cleanse the forestry sector of illegal practices. The decision is contained in a March 1, 2011 press release signed by the Minister, Elvis Ngolle Ngolle.

The companies concerned are found in the Centre, East, Littoral, South and South West Regions. According to the release, the Ministerial Decision comes on the heels of streamlining measures undertaken by the Ministry to halt lawlessness in line with announced implementation of the Cameroon-European Union Cooperation Voluntary Partnership Agreement of the Forest Law Enforcement Governance, FLEGT process. It consists in combating illegal exploitation of forest resources and trade associated to the activity. The FLEGT plan of action provides for the signing of Voluntary Partnership Agreements with producer countries that are willing to take measures aimed at enhancing governance, control of trade in timber products, checking the legality of the products as well as meeting demand for legal timber products.

The various exploitation licences accorded companies include forest concessions which consist of very large forests surface areas of the permanent estate, council forests, allocated to councils on more or less large surface area and Sales of Standing Volumes with a maximum duration of three years. There are also Wood Harvest Authorisation granted companies within the context of logs that have been seized and sold in auction, individual felling authorisation and community forest, among others.

Analysts say the decision to put an end to the activities of these companies may save government persistent losses incurred in the illegal exploitation of the country’s forest resources.

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