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World Environment Day: Stakeholders Recommend Efforts to Curb Ills

Population told to carry out environmentally-friendly activities that prevent the rise in sea level and global warming.

Another World Environment Day that stakeholders presume will not only end at providing solutions for devastated environmental calamities, but prompt concrete actions to fight the scourge was yesterday celebrated in Douala. Commemorated under the theme: “Raise your voices not the sea level” the Day comes at a time when Cameroon is striving to eradicate the use of light-weight plastic bags which are said to pollute the environment, destroy the soil and cause health hazards. 

Speaking during the opening ceremony, the representative of the Littoral Governor, Ndouka Gilbert underscored the need for solidarity to combat the negative practices that degrade the environment. He called on all and sundry to tackle the ill collectively while laying more emphasis on industries as the primary emitters of greenhouse gases. In the same vein, the Littoral Regional Delegate of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development after reading out the message of the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, on the occasion of the day’s celebration, said global actions to curb climate change will reduce the sea level.

With Littoral being a coastal town, Serge Quanfes Kadzem, Controller n° 2 at the Regional Brigade of Environmental Inspections, said the region is faced with potential dangers that could result from sea level increases like flooding. He equally hammered on irrational exploitation of mangroves that limits emission, recommended the use of ameliorated cookers and lighting and plant trees. During the visit of exhibition stands, a micrometre-a small machine used to detect the microns of plastic bag, was demonstrated to the population.

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