



Dossier de la Rédaction


Ekoko II Resettlement Site At 60 Per cent

An inter-ministerial steering committee evaluated the state of work on Yaounde-Nsimalen Double-Carriage Road On Tuesday, January 20, 2015.


Bulldozers are busy at work at Ekoko II in Mefou and Afamba Division of the Centre Region. This is one of the six resettlement sites for people displaced by the construction of the Yaounde-Nsimalen Double-Carriage Road. The Minister of Urban Development and Housing, Jean-Claude Mbwentchou, led an inter-ministerial steering committee charged with overseeing the project to the site, yesterday, January 20, 2014. It was revealed that work on the first phase at Ekoko II was almost complete. This is three kilometers from the Yaounde-Nsimalen International Airport and 500 metres from the Yaounde-Mbalmayo highway.

The Minister stressed that the field visit was sollicited by the technical secretariat for all to size up the level of work. Jean Claude Mbwenchtou revealed that two sites were chosen for the three divisions concerned with the project - Meyos and Afanoyo in Mfoundi, Ntoun I and Ntoun II in Mefou and Akono, and Ekoko II and Ngolzock in Mefou and Afamba Divisions; all in the Centre Region.

On the sidelines of the visit was a working session during which the General Manager of the Urban and Rural Land Equipment Development Pool, MAETUR, Louis Roger Manga, presented a report on the advancement of work. They jointly proposed ways of speeding up the pace of work for the company to deliver by next June as planned. Louis Roger Manga promised to respect the deadline, revealing that February ending will see the completion of the first phase. The sharing out of plots is imminent, he announced.

The Yaounde-Nsimalen Double-Carriage Road project also involves another rural section which runs from Nsimalen Airport Roundabout through Meyo to Ahala, comprising 10.8 km. The second is urban from Ahala to Divisional Office near Tsinga Roundabout, passing through Messe des Officiers, Poste Central, the Prime Minister’s Roundabout, Wada and the Simplified Flyover at Derrière Combatant. Another rural section of 5.8 km will run from Ahala, Nsam, Carrefour Trois Statues to Olezoa. China Road and Bridge Corporation is to take care of the 1.9 km stretch from Carrefour Trois Statues, Oilybia Olezoa, Messe des Officiers to Poste Centrale. Meanwhile, phase three comprises 2.1 km from Carrefour Warda to Nouvelle route Bastos and Sous Prefecture Tsinga.


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