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Farm Inputs Offered To 112 SW Farming Groups

Worth over FCFA 30 million, the inputs were distributed to these selected groups from all Divisions of the Region.

In a timely gesture at the heart of the planting season, the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) on Tuesday, September 23, 2015, handed over farm packages to 112 selected farming groups in the Region. Worth over FCFA 30 million, the packages comprised of 865 bags of fertilizers, 2,170 litres of herbicides, 530 litres of insecticides, 600 kg of foundation maize seeds, and some sail baits and fungicides.

Addressing the beneficiaries, the General Manager of SOWEDA Dr. Eneme Andrew Ngome hailed the farmers for ensuring food self-sufficiency in the Region, a phenomenon which, through the inputs will significantly increase soil fertility and consequently productivity. He assured them that apart from the inputs (fertilizers and farm chemicals), “SOWEDA will continue to make available improved planting materials at highly subsidized prices.”

Improved planting material multiplication farms for cassava cuttings, maize seeds, bean seeds, yam seeds, and plantain plantlets that have been established all over the Region, he said, are a vivid testimony that SOWEDA is doing everything to support the farming population though with limited financial resources.

The elated farmers, through their representative, George Mbanda, extended special appreciation to the government for always providing inputs especially during planting seasons. Though they complained of some development changes, they hailed the provision of the inputs that encourages them to work harder and maintaining the region as the main bread basket of the country.

Representing the Governor, the Secretary General at the South West Governor’s Office, Clement Fon Ndikum, encouraged the farmers not to relent in promoting agriculture and improving productivity. He challenged youths who are unemployed and idling to get involved in farming which is a lucrative activity.

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