



Dossier de la Rédaction


Rural Sector C2D Programmes Under Review

Officials of the ministries concerned and national coordinators of the said programmes met in Yaounde on November 12, 2015.

Five programmes under Debt Reduction-Development Contracts, C2D, a mechanism within the French assistance innitiative t Cameroon are under scanner. The project coordinators of the five programmes met in Yaounde on November 12, 2015, with officials of the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry as well as Scientific Research and Innovation on the one hand and the French Development Agency, the overseer of C2D on the other hand to came up with a new guide for such programmes.

The five rural sector programmes concerned were the Programme for the Improvement of Agropostoral Family Farms, ACEFA, the Support Programme for the Renovation and Development of Vocational Training in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, AFOP, the Support Programme for the Improvement of the Performance of Sector Administration, AMO, the Support Programme to Secure and Integrated Resource Management of Agro-pastoral Activity in northern Cameroon, ASGIRAP and the Support Programme for Agricultural Research, PAR.

The project coordinators outlined the state of progress of the programmes and their contribution to the rural sector. Stakes and challenges were also listed with project coordinators stating the financial engagements, the impact of the programmes on the livelihoods of Cameroonians and their plan of action.

The Secretary General in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Jean Claude Eko’o Akouafane as well as the Director of the French Development Agency, Hervé Conan stressing on the need to have C2D programmes enlisted in the rural sector meet their objectives of alleviating poverty and empowering the grassroots population.

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