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Collection of Geography Works Launched

A collection of nine works published on the title “The Mastery of Space and Development,” authored by geography varsity dons of some 11 African universities has been presented in Yaounde. The book launch at the Amphi 700 of the University of Yaounde I yesterday April 5 was chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, Charles Omgba, sitting in for the Minister of Higher Education. Omgba in his speech did not only see the initiative as laudable, but as one that should be encouraged in the university milieu. He said despite financial hurdles that impede research in the University milieu, the series of nine books published with objective to spur development in West and Central African countries is proof of a new horizon for African universities.

The 2,000-page collection is said to be the fruit of three years of hard work with contributions from over 100 varsity lecturers. Through the book, authors believe African countries can go far in socio economic and political development. One of the authors, Prof. Kengne Fodouop of Cameroon said they realised African countries were marred by mismanagement, a situation which could be improved. This, he said, can be done by questioning actors to know their duties. The impacts could transform the economies of the continent while encouraging governments to manage their mineral and environmental resources as well in addition to keeping population growth under check. The non mastery of space is what has led to the snail pace development of some most African countries, 50 years after independence.

Some copies of the book were handed to the Department of Geography and the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences of the institution by one of the authors, Prof. John O. Igue, Scientific Director of LARES, Contonou, Benin. The book that is said to cost over FCFA 50,000 is available at the Department of Geography of the University of Yaounde I. Apart from acquiring a copy at the Yaounde I University, lovers can place an order from the editing house, Kartala in France. After the launch in Benin in December last year and in Burkina Faso in February this year, the next countries after Cameroon are Senegal and Ivory Coast.

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