



Dossier de la Rédaction


Motorbike Bandits Nabbed

Armed with an automatic Pistol, they are helping the police to unmask the underworld network.

Judicial Police in Douala have arrested two armed bandits who assaulted a motorbike rider at the Camp des Officiers in Bepanda on the night of October 22 breaking 23 doing away with his bike. It was about 3:30am that the victim had his Sanili bike ceased from him the bandits armed with an Automatic Pistol.

The police who were on patrol around Akwa followed closely the description of the two bandits and at the level of Marché Congo; they stopped two suspected men on a bike.

Twenty-three-year Darisse Keda and Cedric Momo (25), all former prison detainees of the Douala New Bell Prison, were in possession of an automatic pistol of mark Valtro, a charger and nine bullets.

The two admitted having ceased the motorbike from its owner at Camp des officiers that same night and cited a certain Zammer as a regular buyer of stolen bikes.

They are presently helping the police for further investigations while awaiting to appear before the State Council of the Military Tribunal in Bonanjo for aggravated theft and illegal detention of firearms.

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