



Dossier de la Rédaction


Vatican II Clocks 50

Fifty years after the Second Vatican Council, Africa is yet to benefit from all its messages.

The Second Vatican Council called Vatican II was convened in 1962 by Pope John XXIII and continued in under Pope Paul VI. Its purpose was the spiritual renewal of the church and the reconsideration of the position of the church the modern world. Fifty years after the Vatican II was convened can it be said that Africa has well understood the message of the event?

It is in this light that a three-day colloquium on « Dynamism and Eclesisatical Renewal “ opened at the Catholic University of Central Africa in the Nkolbisson campus on Wednesday November 14, 2012. The colloquim is part of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. It was an opportunity for the Catholic Christians and clergymen to reflect on the Vatican II on the theme of renewal of the church and the impact of Vatican Ii on the church in African.

The audience listened to presentations of three topics- such as Socio-political changes, ecclesiastical effervescence, and Evenemential Reminiscence by Mgr Tarcisse Tshibangu (Congo). The Director of the “Ecole Theologique Saint-Cyprien of Ngoya,Père Elvis Elengabeka said the  Africa has been able to meet the objectives of the Vatican II 50 years after because there is a re-strengthening of links between Africa and the church. “For example formerly Holy Mass was celebrated in Latin but today it is celebrated in African language. That is the effect of Vatican II”, he said. He however said Africa has not yet been able to finish exploiting all the messages of Vatican II on the domains of education, social life and on all aspects of development. 

He said the hope is that they will be a Vatican II to correct treat problems that Vatican III has not been able to face.  The colloquium which organized by the “Ecole Theologique Saint-Cyprien” of Ngoya the event brings together experts from the continent, students and invitees.     

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