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Livestock Officials Drilled On Ebola

A workshop on the prevention of the virus held in Yaounde on Thursday September 4, 2014.

The Ebola epidemic what is found in West Africa has caused more than 1500 deaths among human beings. The countries affected by the deadly virus are Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Senegal and Nigeria. The threat of the zoonosis is evident in Cameroon as the country shares a long border with Nigeria.

It is in this light a workshop on the prevention of the Ebola virus held in Yaounde on Thursday September 4, 2014 on the theme, “The role of actors of animal health in the prevention against the Ebola virus disease.”

Speaking at the opening the Director of Veterinary Services in the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Dr. Gaston Djonwe, said it is the task of the Ministries in charge of animal health and wildlife to efficiently monitor the Ebola outbreak in humans taking into consideration the fact that Ebola epidemic results in human beings generally from the manipulation of carcasses of infected wild animals. He called on participants to share their ideas and experiences and come out with pertinent recommendations so as to contribute efficiently to the prevention against Ebola fever.

Organised by the Ministry of Livestock Fisheries and Animal Industries, the workshop brought together regional delegates from across the country. The objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacities of regional delegates in the fight against Ebola virus contribute efficiently in government strategy which consists of avoiding the introduction and spreading of the Ebola virus in the population.

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