



Dossier de la Rédaction


Fake Stamp Dealers Nabbed

The gang was arrested at in the Biyem-Assi eigbourhood on Friday October 21, 2014.

A gang of 14 dealers specialised in the production of fake stamps, birth certificates, medical certificates and other documents are presently in custody at the National Gendarmerie headquarters in Yaounde.

The bandits were apprehended by gendarmes of the Central Judicial Research Department of the National Gendarmerie in Yaounde on Friday October 31, 2014. Reports say, the bandits were arrested at the Rond Point Express in the Biyem-Assi neigbourhood after a series of robbery in business centres in the area which took place between end of December 2013 and January 2014.

According to sources at the Central Judicial Research Department of the National Gendarmerie in Yaounde said during the gendarmerie operations, over 600 fake documents, 15 round stamps, 19 personal stamps and 19 ordinary stamps, 34 communal stamps and six fiscal stamps were found in the hideout of the bandits.

The source said through investigations, the gendarmes discovered that the stamps supposedly belonged to magistrates and court registrars, divisional officers, sub divisional officers and council councils in the country, among others. Our source said the other members of the group are on the run but investigations are going on to find them and bring them to book.

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