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Vocational Training: Framework For Certification Under Study

A workshop on the conception of the National Framework of Certification opened in Yaounde yesterday, March 15, 2016.

Drafting and implementing policy in the domain of employment is a preoccupation of government. It is in this light that a three-day workshop to train officials on the process of the conception of a National Framework of Certification opened in Yaounde yesterday, March 15, 2016.

Speaking at the opening, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, Justin Kouekam said the challenge of MINEFOP is to ensure fully the importance of exchange with other sectors of education as assigned by the Sector Strategy Document. This task, according to him, will enable the introduction of more rationality and coherence in the functioning of vocational training and facilitate the integration of youth and also help improve the system of education in Cameroon.  He called on the participants to work in a synergy in order to be able to face the challenges ahead.

For three days, participants will be drilled on topics such as “Contributing towards coherence, Transparency and the Integration of Systems of Certification”, “Improving Access to qualifications for under privileged groups”, “Introducing a Certain Flexibility for Learners, Promoters and Users of the Products of Professional Training”, among others. Organised by the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, the workshop brings together participants from across the country.     

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