



Dossier de la Rédaction


Bamenda: 35 Civil Servants Charged Before Disciplinary Council

Warnings, reprimands, dismissals and suspension of salaries hang on the accused.

On the strength of Decision No 127/ Vol1/00/RDB/GNW/SJ/ACAD of June 21, 2016 by its chairman, Adolphe Lele Lafrique, the first ever sitting of the North West Regional Public Service Disciplinary Board held on July 12, 2016. The agenda featured 35 disciplinary files from three ministries.

It was a rare moment for the accused to defend themselves and answer questions about irregularities in their administrative careers. It was all about unethical attitudes, persistent absence at work and insubordination or disrespect. It emerged from the session that of the 35 accused workers, only five turned up. The details reveal that 21 staff who abandoned their jobs and continue to receive salaries, but could not be traced, were absent.

Among those traced, all three from the Regional Delegation of Land Tenure and State Property were present, one of two from MINEPIA and one out of seven from the Regional Delegation of Secondary Education, were also present.

They took questions from Board members who later deliberated and proposed first, second, third and fourth grade sanctions covering warnings, reprimand, dismissal and suspension of salaries. From the look of things, it a new chapter has opened in the North West Regional Public Service Board empowered to instill discipline among workers. The Rapporteur of the Board, who is also the Regional Delegate for Public Service, Ekane Ivo Ekoti, told Cameroon Tribune that the Public Service Regional Board was set up in line with Ministerial Order No. 006557 of 28 October, 2014


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