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South West: Justice Itoe Chosen As Bakundu Leader

The traditional induction ceremony took place in Mbonge Sub-division recently.

The Bakundu people of Meme Division in the South West Region have chosen retired Justice Benjamin Mutanga Itoe as their new leader. The traditional induction ceremony that took place on April 28, 2012 at Marumba Botondoa in Mbonge Sub-division came on the heels of the 37th Congress of the Bakundu Cultural and Development Union, BACDU that he also heads as President General.

In a ceremony massively attended by local authorities, the elite and Bakundu people, Justice Itoe was consecrated as leader with the title of ‘Tata Nganga Mataka wa Bakundu.’ He was also given the task of steering Bakundu people in their fight against poverty and to get them involved in President Paul Biya’s Major Accomplishments policy.

Speaking to Cameroon Tribune on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 in Yaounde, Benjamin Itoe announced that plans were underway to implement an economic project called ‘Ise Na Ise’ which comprises a farmers’ cooperative and a savings and loans cooperative. “The structures will help provide low-interest loans and inputs to farmers as well as serve as a marketing board to secure best prices for their cash crops like cocoa,” he said. Benjamin Itoe also announced scholarships for children in secondary and higher institutions and infrastructural projects such as roads to inaccessible areas.

After serving as Minister for Justice, Tourism and Transport, Benjamin Itoe served as Judge in the Administrative Bench of the Supreme Court, Deputy President of the Supreme Court and from 2002 to 2009 as Judge of the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone that tried war criminals like the rebel warlord Fode Sanko.

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