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Mathematik Releases Fourth Album

The artiste’s audio compilation comprises six tracks featuring Petit Pays, his godfather.

Makossa musician, Mathematik de Petit Pays, has just released his fourth musical album. The six-track production reflects on daily issues as witnessed in his personal life and entourage. During a press conference in Douala, the artiste presented his latest “baby” to the media, disc jokers and other musicians. The moment was equally used to explain the reasons that motivated him to release a new product, to the satisfaction of his music fans.

The album’s title “Disque d’Or” underlies the efforts put for the realisation of this project, which is a compilation of his numerous years of experience on the showbiz scene, he told the press. In the first tract “Mariage” (marriage), he sends a note to married couples, advising them to avoid outer influence in their homes.

Condemning acts of gossip, jealousy and blackmail from family, friends and neighbours, he stresses that the only way for love to prevail is when there is mutual trust. Another track, “Bénis de Dieu” (blessed by God), advocates for a universal recognition of God’s role in human life and efforts. Stressing that no one can achieve anything on his own; the artiste urges people to love and share with one another for the betterment of the society.

This is reiterated in other songs like “Dans la vie” (in Life), “Chacun a son jour” (everyone has a day) and “Aimer” (to love). Mathematik spiced his product with featuring from his musical Godfather, Rabba Rabbi. Song in French and the Douala dialect, the successful musical blend addresses all lovers of makossa, from young to old persons. The artiste released his very first album “Tromper Tromper” in 2007, followed by “Souder” in 2009, “Dose Adulte” in 2011 and “Disque d’Or” in 2013.

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