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«Beacons of Time Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The event took place in Yaounde on March, 30, 2016.

The famous CRTV documentary series “Beacons of Time” is now 10 years old. The 10th anniversary celebrations of the documentary series took place at the “Espace Black Diamond” in the Mballa II neigbourhood in Yaoundé on Wednesday March, 30, 2016.

Speaking at the occasion the Director General of the Cameroon Radio and Television Corporation, Ahmadou Vamoulke, said the celebration was to mark ten years of audio visual activity which CRTV has been carrying out with a sense of commitment and service to CRTV and the nation. He hailed the efforts of the production crew led by Margarette Fombe for their devotedness and that the management will stop at nothing to keep the spirit of the programme.

“Beacons of Time” is a documentary series that celebrates people and places of historic importance that have played a role in the historic evolution of Cameroon. Some typical examples are the documentary on the Bamenda Ford, the legacy of Late Solomon Tandeng Muna, the lives of prominent people like Mfon Mukete, Emmanuel Mbwaye, J. C. Kankolo, and former Prime Minister, Senator Simon Achidi Achu, among others. 

The special gala evening was an occasion to award trophies and certificates to their heroes in recognition of their participation in the production of the CRTV documentary.  The event took place in the presence of Honourable members of the Parliament and the Senate, traditional rulers and guests.

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