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Sudan CHAN 2011 Draw Takes Place

Cameroon was drawn in group C alongside defending champion, D.R. Congo, Cote d’Ivoire and Mali.

The draws for the Sudan 2011 African Nations Championship, CHAN, were held on Saturday, November 27 at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum. The event was attended by the Sudanese Minister of Youth and Sports, His Excellency Haj Majid Siwar, CAF Executive Committee member and head of CAF delegation Mohamed Raouaraoua, Magdi Shams El Din, CAF Executive Committee member and Sudanese Football Association president, Sirelkhatim Mutasim Gafaar.
The 16 teams were divided into four groups of four teams each for the second edition of the tournament designed exclusively for footballers playing in their domestic leagues. Hosts Sudan, Gabon, Uganda and Algeria make up Group A; Ghana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Niger in Group B, holders DR Congo, Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire and Mali are in Group C whilst Senegal, Rwanda, Angola and Tunisia constitute Group D.

The ceremony was spiced up by a rendition of Sudanese music and cultural display which kept the audience on their feet throughout the 2-hour duration of the draw. The official draw was conducted by Acting CAF General Secretary Hicham El Amrani, assisted by officials of the Sudan Football Association. Sirelkhatim Mutasim Gafaar, President of the Sudan Football Association ,SFA, in his welcome address emphasized on the readiness to stage a successful tournament from 4-25 February, 2011. The Democratic Republic of Congo won the maiden edition of the tournament that took place in Cote d’Ivoire in 2009.

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