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Fenassco ‘A’ Games: Stage Now Set for Kick-off

The president of ‘Fenassco A’ made the statement after an evaluation visit to Ebolowa.

The 14th edition of the national school games dubbed Fenassco ‘A’ will begin in Ebolowa on Sunday March 25 with delegations from all the ten regions of the country expected to be represented. According to the president of Fenassco ‘A’, Mandeng Samuel Rigobert, all is now set for the effective kick off of the competition. The sports infrastructure has been renovated and arrangements completed concerning the accommodation and transportation of the various delegations to the game venue. Over 2.000 people are expected in the South regional headquarters, 1.530 of them athletes and officials.

The games which have been placed under the theme, “school games at the service of national unity” will see secondary school students from all over the country compete in ten sports disciplines namely; judo, athletics, gymnastics, table tennis, football, basketball, wrestling, volleyball and handball in both the female and male categories. the choice of the theme, Mandeng said, was influenced by the fact that Cameroon will be celebrating the golden jubilee of reunification this year in Buea and schools games promotes unity among youths.

He said there will be several innovations in the games this year with the participation of some institutions like CONAC to sensitise the children about corruption and the Ministry of Public Health to campaign against HIV/AIDS. More so, the Fenassco A president said, emphasis will be on morality this year saying the school games is not an occasion for frivolity. To eliminate fraud, the age limit of athletes has been fixed for 18 years and he equally disclosed that the association is in the process of establishing an inventory of all the athletes taking part in the games so as to follow-up the athletes since henceforth good athletes from the games will be selected to take part in civilian competitions. Fenassco A, he said, is now affiliated to the International School games federation and athletes from the Fenassco A1 games will take part in the world school games in Toulon-France in July. Another innovation will be the introduction of tennis for handicapped athletes. Like last year, the competition will be opened with feminine football.

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