



Dossier de la Rédaction


Sports Association Presidents Appeal To Presidency

They called for the creation of a sports development fund.

The presidents of sports federations met in a general assembly on Saturday September 13 in Yaounde and addressed a memorandum to the Head of State, Paul Biya to decry what they called the precarious state of sports in the country. Due to lack of financial means, the federation presidents said the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education chooses to finance only a few competitions and the federations organize only national competitions like the championship and Cup of Cameroon, neglecting the aspect of detecting and nurturing young talents. “No matter what vision a president of federation may have, he cannot realize it due to lack of finances,” they said.

The federation presidents therefore called for the creation of a sports development fund to enable them carry out their mission of detection, nurturing, organization of competitions and preparing athletes for international competitions which they consider a public service mission. The letter urged the president of the Republic to intervene and grant them subventions so as to enable them save the sports movement in the country which is dying.

It is not the first sports officials are writing to the president of the republic probably spurred by the fact that the president of the Republic granted subventions to football clubs in the first and second divisions. Last time, it was the association of amateur football club presidents which addressed a memorandum to the Head of State. The request of the federation presidents is somehow founded in that athletes practice under very difficult circumstances in the country causing them to flee each time they take part in an international competition as they seek better conditions of practice and remuneration.

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