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Jacques Roux Passes On

The former Cameroon players died while on medical evacuation in Paris after a protracted illness.

The former Indomitable Lion, Jacques Roux gave up the ghost on Sunday night breaking Monday in Paris after a protracted illness. The former player of Foudre Akonolinga and Canon Yaounde, who had converted to journalism, was in France on medical evacuation after falling sick in Benin, his adoptive country in recent years. He worked for several media houses notably AFNEX where he ran a programme known as “Fou de foot” and commented the last Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea.

He was a globe trotter and had been to Togo, Côte d’Ivoire and the Democratic Republic of Congo before taking up residence in Benin. He left Cameroon after the scandal concerning the sale of world cup tickets as he was communication officer for the lions in 1998 with Vincent Onana as president of Fecafoot. Before his death, he had in mind a project to set up a TV station specialised in football. He bows out at the age of 55.

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