



Dossier de la Rédaction


Coton, Lion Blessé In Distant Duel

This will be on the 11th day of play of the elite championship this weekend.

Matches counting for the 11th day of play of the ongoing League One championship will take place in stadiums across the country this weekend. On the lookout will be the performances of the league leaders, Coton Sports and the runner-up, Lion Blessé of Fotouni as both teams tussle for leadership. It will therefore be a distant duel between the two when Coton Sport takes on Unisport and Lion Blessé locks horns with Panthere during the 11th day of play this weekend.

While Coton Sport and Lion Blessé tussle for the top seat, Apejes and Yong Sports will be out to conserve their positions in the top quartet when they take on Astres and Cosmos of Mbam respectively this weekend. Bamboutos and New Stars will also be in the contention for a place in the top trio which is synonymous to qualification for continental competitions. Bamboutos will be travelling to Douala to challenge local side, Union while New Stars will be slugging it out with Fovu.

At the bottom of the table, UMS of Loum, Njalla Quan Academy and Canon of Yaounde will be fighting to hop out of the relegation. The encounter between bottom-placed, Canon and UMS the first team below the relegation line will be of utmost interest given that defeat for one and victory for the other would usher changes at the bottom of the classification table. Njalla Quan will also be playing host to Tonnerre with the ambition to grab the three points of the encounter and increase their chances of survival in the first division.

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