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2016 Female AFCON: PM Satisfied With State Of Preparedness

After visiting hotel facilities and playing grounds in Buea and Limbe, he was confident all will go well.

The Prime Minister and Head of Government, Philemon Yang, has expressed satisfaction that the African football confederation visiting infrastructures in Cameroon next 25 July will open the way for Cameroon to host the Africa Cup of Nations next November.

The PM spoke to the press at the Omnisports atadium in Limbe after spending seven hours visiting hotel facilities and playgrounds in Buea (capital of the South West Region) and Limbe headquarters of Fako Division. He said he was on a mission particularly instructed by the Head of State, President Paul Biya to inspect the facilities for this year’s AFCON.

The PM opened his tour of the infrastructure at 8am yesterday in the Buea Mountain Hotel after holding a briefing with all the authorities concerned. In sport like manner, he trekked to have an ocular view of all that was still under construction to refurbish the Mountain Hotel and the Parliamentarian flats. The PM moved to the Buea Town stadium and then the Molyko stadium that will serve as training grounds during the AFCON competition.

The Prime Minister, accompanied by seven cabinet Ministers, was guided to the neighbouring town of Limbe where the 20.000 seater-Omnisports stadium will host some of the AFCON matches. While at the stadium, the PM was delighted to find the female Lions in their training session. He encouraged them to work hard to secure victory to Cameroon’s side as all Cameroonians were united behind them. The Lionesses and their head coach, Enow Ngachu cheered the PM’s arrival in a great show of enthusiasm.

The Prime Minister went round the stadium to observe the parking lots, access roads, and the stretch of road linking the Omnisports stadium and Bonjongo as another major outlet. Particularly relieving was the fact that water and electricity have reached the Limbe Omnisports stadium as these were major worries expressed during previous visits. The triumphant entrance to the stadium from the Limbe – Idenau road was very encouraging to the convoy that accompanied the PM all is visibly finished only waiting for official reception.

If there is any unfinished works it is the training grounds that still require major installations but the Chinese enterprises concerned were confident they would round up the works in very good time. The Omnisports-Bonjongo road is also still being bulldozed but the busy atmosphere observed was reassuring to the PM.

As a major stakeholder of the AFCON, the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Bidoung Mkpatt, had been spending sleepless nights following up the various committees at work to ensure a hitch-free competition come next November. The PM held a closed-door meeting with the technicians and officials involved with the works after which he made a declaration of satisfaction to the press.  

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