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Batie : minister Bapes Bapes praise uppernkam for selfreliant development

Secondary Education Minister has praised the people of Upper Plateaux Division in the West Region, for their good spirit of self-reliant development.

Secondary Education minister was speaking on 14th October in Batie and Batchoum village while receiving keys of an Industrial workshop for CETIC Batie and keys of three classrooms for CES (GSS) Batchoum constructed by “Association Pour la Promotion Economique, Sociale et Culturell du Departement des Hauts Plateaux” known as l’APESC. The association that groups senior elite of Upper Plateau is headed by Professor Maurice Kamto, Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Justice.

Mr Louis Bapes Bapes used the ceremony to thanked members of APESC for their efforts geared towards the development of the Upper Nkam Division, throught self- reliance, especially education of Cameroon youths. He expressed satisfaction for the total co-operation and frankness demonstrated by APESC, to assist the Cameroon government and the education Ministry in particular, through these accomplished projects of classrooms. The Secondary Education Minister called on the administrative and teaching staff of these establishments to make full use of the facilities offered them by APESC, in the training of Cameroonian youths,that will help guarantee a better future for them.

Responding to the demands of mayors of Batie, Youta François and that of Bamendjou Mokam Emmanuel, asking for the creation of new GSSs, CETICs, lycee Techniques in some localities in the Division, and above all the cry for shortages of teachers in schools, Mr Bapes Bapes Louis reminded the population that he was not on a political campaign to make promises, but assured the population that particular note have been taken to their requests,assuring them that when the way and means will be available he will not hesitate to answer their demands,calling on them to have confidence on the government..

For his part, the president of APESC Minister Maurice kamto thanked the head of state president Paul Biya for the creation of CETIC Batie and GSS Batchoum and many other institutions of learning in Upper Plateau Division. He said APESC was formed in 2003 with the sole motive to promote and accelerate development process in Upper Plateau Division especially in the fields of socio-economic and cultural domains. He said since 2003 APESC has carried out many development projects, including the construction of a modern maternity and its equippment with 20 beds for Bangou hospital, rehabilitation of six classrooms in Ecole Primaire Pekoua Baham, offering of 450 benches to educational establishments in the division, offering of scholarships to meritorious students, donation of mosquito nets and drugs to hospitals, and finally giving financial assistance to livestock and agricultural producers. Professor Maurice Kamto said all these actions by APESC was geared supporting president Paul Biya in his great ambition policy.

Meanwhile, these two ministers and their entourage drove through a 60 km bumpy road, that saw villagers coming out to push vehicles that were stocked in mud,many of these village went back home with handsome amounts as good will donation from members of the entourage. The Ministers were returning from inngurating the three classrooms in Batchoum village. Maintime Minister Bapes Bapes offered text books, office equipements to the two colleges he went to.

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