



Dossier de la Rédaction


Chronology Of Key Egypt Revolution Events

Anti-government demonstrations against the regime of long-time ruler, Hosni Mubarak, began in January 2011.

2011 February - President Mubarak steps down and hands over power to Army Council.

2011 April-August - Protests continue in Tahrir Square over slow pace of political change.

2012 January - Islamist parties win parliamentary elections.

2012 March - Pope Shenouda III, the veteran head of the Coptic Church, dies.

2012 May - Military lifts the state of emergency declared in 1981.

2012 June – The Moslem Brotherhood’s Mohamed Mursi wins presidential election.

2012 June - Court sentences Mubarak to life imprisonment for ordering killings in 2011.

2012 August - Islamist fighters attack army outpost in Sinai, killing 16 soldiers.

2012 August - Mursi sacks military chiefs and strips army of say in drafting the constitution.

2012 September - Egypt kills 32 militants and destroys 31 smuggling tunnels to Gaza.

2012 November - Bishop Tawadros chosen as new Pope of the Coptic Church.

2012 November - Mursi issues decree stripping judiciary of right to challenge his decisions.

2012 December - Constituent Assembly approves draft constitution.

2013 January – Over 50 people killed in days of violent street protests.

2013 June – Egypt and Ethiopia discuss crisis over Nile water distribution.

Source: BBC

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