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Nelson Mandela Buried In Ancestral Home

http://cameroon-tribune.cmThe country’s first black President was laid to rest on Sunday, December 15, 2013 in Qunu, Eastern Cape Province.

Nelson Mandela's body was laid to rest yesterday, December 15, 2015 in a family plot after political and religious leaders paid tribute to South Africa's first black President at a State funeral service at Qunu in Eastern Cape Province, the BBC said. While the service took place, a 21-gun salute sounded far away in Pretoria for the statesman who died on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.

According to Xhosa funeral rituals, a family elder talked to "the body's spirit," the coffin was covered with animal skin and an ox slaughtered and eaten on the day. Another ox is to be slaughtered next year to mark the end of mourning. The master of ceremonies, ANC Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa, explained that burial had to take place at midday in line with the traditions of Mandela's Thembu tribe.

Mandela’s widow, Graca Machel, and President Jacob Zuma were present later for the private, traditional Xhosa burial at Mandela's ancestral home. Fox News reported that the burial that concluded a 10-day period of mourning, followed a State funeral at which songs, speeches and the boom of artillery rang out as a tribal chief draped in animal skin declared, “A great tree has fallen. He is now going home to rest with his forefathers," said Chief Ngangomhlaba Matanzima, a representative of Mandela's family.

Several thousand guests, some singing and dancing, gathered earlier in a huge tent at the Mandela family compound. Mandela's portrait looked over the assembly from behind 95 candles representing each year of his remarkable life. His casket was transported to the tent on a gun carriage draped in the national flag as it rested on a carpet of cow skins.

President Jacob Zuma told mourners that South Africans had to take Mandela’s legacy forward. Kenneth Kaunda, 89-year-old former President of Zambia, recounted his failed appeals to two former South African leaders, John Vorster and PW Botha, for the release of Mandela and his ANC colleagues from prison. Bishop Zipho Siwa of the Methodist Church presented the sermon.

Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter, Nandi, described him as a man with a sense of humour. Mandela's widow, Graca Machel, sat next to President Jacob Zuma and Madiba's ex-wife, Winnie. Both women were praised for their love and tolerance in an address by Malawi's President, Joyce Banda.

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