



Dossier de la Rédaction


UN Adopts Targeted Sanctions Against South Sudan

UN Resolution 2206 of March 3, 2015 sanctions those blocking peace in the country.

The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has set out the criteria for the designation of individuals and entities that are responsible for, complicit in, or that had engaged directly or indirectly in actions or policies that threaten peace, security or stability in South Sudan.

Members of the UN Security Council on  Tuesday, March 3, 2015 adopted Resolution 2206 (2015) laying the ground work for targeted sanctions in South Sudan should the Peace Deal  brokered by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa fails, a statement from the UN Security Council said. The ongoing negotiations between government of President Salva Kiir and rebel group  of  Riek Machar  have to end today, March 5, 2015  with a peace deal that will pressure the belligerents to end the bloodshed that had plunged the country into civil was for more than a year.

In accordance with the resolution, the UN Security Council could impose, for an initial one-year period, a travel ban on individuals, and an asset freeze on individuals and entities designated by a Sanctions Committee, established through the text for an initial 13 months. The travel ban and asset freeze would apply to individuals designated by the Committee who were leaders of any entity, including the South Sudanese government, opposition, militia or other group that had engaged in any of those activities.

 Actions or policies that could expose their perpetrators to sanctions include those aimed at “expanding or extending the conflict, or obstructing peace talks; threatening transitional agreements or the political process; planning, directing or committing acts that violated international humanitarian and human rights law, or human rights abuses; and targeting civilians or attacking hospitals, religious sites or locations where civilians sought refuge,” the Council statement specified.  Equally included in the list are actions such as recruiting or using children by armed groups or forces and obstructing the intervention of international institutions and organizations.


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