Twelve Customs officers appointed in Mezam division to fetch revenue for state coffers, check contraband goods and arrest drug traffickers have been challenged to demonstrate honesty and keep their consciences alive for the progress, prosperity and development of the nation. Taking the oath as field workers to serve without fear or favour and to avoid the temptation of corruption at the Bamenda Court of 1st Instance, the customs officers were advised to rise to expectation because prosecution stares them on the face should they derail. The President of the Court, Justice Anne Afong was in the chair when the State counsel for Mezam recalled the ugly side of Customs officers before urging the sworn officers to make the difference. To hear the state counsel, “Being a customs officer in Cameroon is synonymous to riches. Customs officers are known as ‘Les nouveaux riche’ because the present salary scale in Cameroon does not permit any public servant to evolve as fast as customs. The question thus is the source of their riches.” It is against this backdrop that the State Counsel warned that the Courts shall not hesitate to prosecute the Customs officers should they go against their oath. They were told that the exercise sharpens their consciences and reminds them of the wrath of God should they depart from their obligations to track drug traffickers and resist conspiration with perpetrators of importation of illegal goods or weapons which may undermine the nation’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Away from that, the Court had prayers for the officers to succeed in their mission and take credit as nation builders. Among the privileged officers were; Adjudant des Douanes, Takem Tabi Enow who also takes credit as the Head of the Customs Brigade in the Up Station neighborhood of Bamenda, Ambe Charles Foncha, Waseh Celestin Movika, Bonyeto Jean Jacques, Man Bolamo Simone Valerie, Chefor nee Nchotu Beatrice Lum, Njongui Marie Giselle, Ekossono Edile Nathalie, Nga Jean Marie, Kamte Gilbert, Fomune Bernard Buma, Salmana Sebde Adamou. It was on the strength of the law that they were sworn in a Court of law before exercising their obligations.
Away from that, the Court had prayers for the officers to succeed in their mission and take credit as nation builders. Among the privileged officers were; Adjudant des Douanes, Takem Tabi Enow who also takes credit as the Head of the Customs Brigade in the Up Station neighborhood of Bamenda, Ambe Charles Foncha, Waseh Celestin Movika, Bonyeto Jean Jacques, Man Bolamo Simone Valerie, Chefor nee Nchotu Beatrice Lum, Njongui Marie Giselle, Ekossono Edile Nathalie, Nga Jean Marie, Kamte Gilbert, Fomune Bernard Buma, Salmana Sebde Adamou. It was on the strength of the law that they were sworn in a Court of law before exercising their obligations.