After a 22-day tour of the South West Region, the administrative boss now settles to work.
The South West pioneer Regional Governor, Koumpa Issa, installed 9 February 2010, undertook a contact tour to the six divisions of his administrative jurisdiction from 19 April through 14 May 2010.
To accomplish the tour, Governor Koumpa sailed in the coastal seas of Ndian Division and plied the length and breadth of the difficult terrain of Lebialem, Kupe Muanenguba, Manyu and Meme Divisions. He ended his visit in Fako’s headquarters of Limbe.
Besides living the realities of his new job at the helm of the South West Region, Koumpa Issa alias "The Developer" as he is known in his previous stations South, North West, and Centre Provinces (now Regions); is currently abreast with surgical precision where to put his healing knife. Excepting Fako, the rest of the five Divisions, even Ndian where livelihood is tied to the sea, all decried the disgusting state of roads. In Menji headquarters of Lebialem, Mayor (retired Colonel) Fobella voiced strongly in his address: "Give us the roads and we develop ourselves". This, he said, on behalf of his two other peers of Alou and Wabane. Fobella’s call to the Government of Cameroon epitomizes the priority of priority needs of the South West. Of recent the issue of poor roads has nourished the bile of anger where contractors are toying with road projects. For example, West Point, that won a multi-million contract to rehabilitate the Dschang - Menji-Bakebe earth road had done nothing until a few days to the Governor’s visit when officials were said to have hurriedly brought in defective machines to begin the job. West Point’s lethargy had even triggered a street protest in Menji where the elite are contemplating court action. The Governor promised tough times for such contractors, who do not only annoy the users, but tarnish the image of Government as relaxing over the people’s plight.