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Anti-corruption Crusade: Political, Civil Society Leaders Speak Out - « A Good Fight »

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Anti-corruption Crusade: Political, Civil Society Leaders Speak Out
« A Good Fight »
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« A Good Fight »

Victorin Hameni Bieuleu, President of the Union of Cameroon Democratic Forces (UCDF).


« Like every other right thinking Cameroonian, I am strongly against corruption and can without hesitation laud the ongoing battle against the canker worm that is painting the country black. It should not only end in arresting those involved. All Cameroonians are expecting to see the stolen money brought back. Cameroonians are in want of basic needs like better schools and hospitals. People who have looted State money should give it back so that it can be injected into the economy. We need money to develop the country and we will not only be contented to see people go to prison. It is a good step by the President of the Republic to wage a war against corruption in the country. It is a good fight for the good of the country”


« Eduquer les enfants »

Adalbert Otou-Nguini, président de l’association camerounaise pour le réarmement moral.


« La lutte contre la corruption doit être menée par tous les moyens. Notre pays est en train de prendre des mesures très fortes pour éradiquer ce mal. Je ne pense pas que la corruption puisse être éradiquée par des moyens répressifs uniquement. Ceci est aussi possible par des moyens de prévention. C’est-à-dire éduquer les gens à la base, notamment en commençant par les enfants. Il faut leur inculquer des principes et valeurs morales qui leur permettront demain d’éviter d’être impliqués dans la corruption. »

“Let The Judiciary Do Its Work”

Musa Shey Nfor, President Camccul.


“I salute the government’s approach in fighting corruption in Cameroon because the government is not just going after suspects but also taking steps to educate the society in an attempt to prevent or reduce corruption.   After the arrest of suspects, the next phase concerns the judiciary and it is expected that the judiciary should strictly respect norms in causing suspects to answer. It is our prayer that the Judiciary should exercise professionalism in proving suspects guilty or not.”


“Make Good Governance Part Of Our Culture”

 Tawah Che Crecy, CPDM Supporter, Bamenda.


“The option to fight corruption is a good drive by the Head of State. It is also good to say no to officials who do not respect the law. We encourage the Head of State not to relent in the drive against corruption. We need to take a few steps forward to ensure that good governance is part of our culture. It is better to prevent than to allow corruption take place before we run after it. We could also borrow from the South African example where those accused of embezzlement and corruption are allowed to tell the truth about how it happened so that we could better understand the mechanism and thereafter, make them to refund what they embezzled for the State to invest and they are pardoned.”

“A Positive Drive”

Awantoh Mark, Reach Out Cameroon, Buea.


“Every day we hear of people being caught and locked up but what comes after that? I think it is a positive drive but it should not end at that level.  They can live happy lives while in prison and their accounts are still available for their families to use. Government has to put in place strategies to make sure the money is brought back into the national coffers. If it does, we should know how it will help us. Majority of those who have been apprehended are top ranking government officials.  I don’t know if this is a political fight or actually an anti-corruption drive. Government has started by State officials but they should extend it to the private sector and even the civil society. They have to put up a methodology by which those who are giving the country a bad name are held on account of it.”


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