The resolute fight otherwise known as “Operation Sparrow hawk”, an initiative of the Head of State born some years back to track down embezzlers and culprits of corruption, featured very much on banners during March pasts. In effect, this couldn’t have been otherwise considering that the Cameroonian people as a whole has saluted the move with a unanimous monosyllabic “Yes”. Public reaction in favour of the multitudes of arrests and detaining of suspects tells of the zeal of the people to cleanse the country from the mess in which it finds itself today. The Head of State in his various speeches to the nation has not remained mute on the subject.
During the laying of the foundation stone of the Kribi Deep Seaport last October, President Biya revisited the issue describing embezzlement and corruption as a scourge that has seriously affected the development of the country. “When an individual steals the State, it is not only the State that he steals but it is each one of us that is dispossessed”, he said. In very strong terms, President Biya took the engagement to continue and intensify the fight against corruption which he stated, has slowed down growth and deprived the Cameroonian community from the necessary means to sustain its livelihood. In that particular speech, he called on all Cameroonians to fall behind him so as to make the fight successful.
The anti-corruption messages brandished before grand stands nationwide by both political parties and other groups transcend simple support to the Head of State but translate the anger boiling in people’s hearts. From every indication, even the most indifferent Cameroonian is not indifferent to the fight. And so, the population seem to have just one arm to help the Head of State push the fight ahead; that of verbal support. That notwithstanding, it would appear, much more could be done to take the support beyond. This entails among others, pointing out corruption-friendly deeds and why not their authors so they can be weeded out.
Corruption, one must accept, has eaten deep into the fabric of the Cameroonian society at all levels as the country continues to occupy very uncomfortable position on the Transparency International ranking. It had reached a stage where many Cameroonians almost came to believe that it was impossible for it to be eradicated. Questions like, “where do we start from”, were frequent on some lips. Some argued the correct fight could begin from above; others argued against. What has at last become clear is that the fight ought to start from somewhere and ought to have a common vision. That, exactly is the call of the Head of State and from every indication, the Cameroonian people wants the struggle taken right to the end. It is not a fight of an individual but that of the nation.