People from all parts of Cameroon and abroad are united by business.
The emerging town of Kye-Ossi in the South Region that is Cameroon’s border with Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, harbours people, from all parts of Cameroon and those from neighbouring Equatorial Guinea and Gabon who have come to do business and farming.
The Ntumu and Mvae ethic groups who are the indigenes of the area have shown an exemplary acceptation and hospitality to the Fang, Bamouns, Bamilikes, Foulbes and English-speaking Cameroonians from the North West and South Regions who live in perfect harmony with their places of origin not presenting any hindrance to peaceful co-existence. Youmo Amadou, a Bamoun notable in Kye-Ossi said his parents who got to the area in 1963 were the first Bamouns to settle there. The trader who is also the President of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM for Kye-Ossi North Branch said people from all areas carry out their daily activities unperturbed. People from all over the country resident in the area have fully integrated and are part and parcel of the land. The concrete manifestation of the togetherness, unity and integration in the town came to the limelight during the ceremony to officially launch the 2014 National Day activities by the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Bidoung Mpkatt on May 12, 2014. Dance groups from the different ethic groups competed for space and reputation at the Kye-Ossi ceremonial grounds.
Very few people are civil servants in the area. Ethel Mengla, one of the staff of the Kye-Ossi Council, a native of Nso in Bui Division of the North West Region said she was the only Anglophone working in the town as the rest do business and farming. As one of the auditors of the North West and South West Cultural Development Association in Kye-Ossi, she lauded the spirit of national unity and integration in the area. “We have a very cordial relationship, especially with the indigenes of Kye-Ossi,” she said and added that they also have good relations with the authorities. Summing up their level of integration, Ethel Mengla said, “When there are ceremonies, the Anglophone community comes out with their traditional dances groups to animate and get information passed across.”
The Mayor of Kye-Ossi Council, Alain Didier Bikoro speaking during the historic ceremony to launch the 2014 National Day activities said the municipality had over 75,000 cosmopolitan population that live in harmony and carry out business and farming. Indeed, the town both during the day and night bustle with business activities that range from all sorts of drinks, food items, lodging, restaurants, transportation, especially by commercial motor cycles that employ many youths, inter-urban transportation and numerous garages where vehicles and motor cycles are repaired.
Senior government officials such as the Minister of Higher Education, Jacques Fame Ndongo acknowledged the central place of Kye-Ossi in the promotion of national unity and integration. He said at the Kye-Ossi Grand stand on May 12, 2014 that they live in peace and harmony in cosmopolitan Kye-Ossi and will remain forever united. One elite of the Ntem Valley Division, who doubles as the CPDM Section of Ntem Valley IV, Antoine Bikoro Alo’o described Kye-Ossi as an example of national unity and integration.