A plenary sitting dedicated to the adoption of bills and tabling of two others, held on July 1, 2014.
The entire Senate yesterday, July 1, 2014 during a plenary sitting adopted two bills forwarded by the President of the National Assembly after adoption by the said House to the President of the Senate for the second reading in accordance with Section 30 of the Constitution. The plenary sitting of the Senate was chaired by Vice President, Naah Ondoua Sylvestre in the presence of the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali and the Minister of External Relations, Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo.
The first bill was to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the agreement between the government of the Republic of Cameroon and the government of the Kingdom of Morocco on mutual encouragement and protection of investments, signed on 24 January 2007 in Rabat, Morocco. The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi defended the bill.
Minister Hele Pierre of the Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development defended the second bill. It was the bill to authorize the President of the Republic to accede to the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their utilization adopted on 29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan.
Two other bills presented during the plenary sitting and transmitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate for scrutiny were forwarded to the President of the Senate by the President of the National Assembly on June 27, 2014 after adoption by the said House. The bills include one to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the agreement between the government of the Republic of Cameroon and the government of the Kingdom of Spain relating to Air Transport, signed on 21 November 2012 in Yaounde.
The other bill still to be scrutinized by the Foreign Affairs Committee is that to authorize the President of the Republic to ratify the agreement between the government of the Republic of Cameroon and the government of the Republic of Congo relating to Air Transport signed on 20 December 2012 in Yaounde. The Minister of Transport assisted by the Minister of External Relations will defend the two bills in Committee.