Party derives legitimacy and power from militants who belong to wards, electoral districts etc.
From the look of things, the Ward is to the opposition, SDF party what the local church is to Christians. In effect, militancy in the SDF belongs to the ward. Militancy in Ni John Fru Ndi’s party is traced to the ward. North West Regional chairman of the SDF, Hon Evaristus Njong says, the ward is crucial in the mobilisation of militants at the grassroots. It is the takeoff point in the party’s vision, summed up in mobilising, rallying and galvanizing Cameroonians into a united force to establish a just, free and democratic society.
Conceived to be a mass party deriving its legitimacy and power from the people, SDF’s basic party structures include wards, electoral districts, and divisional coordinations, provincial and national executive. The wards are prominent in the selection of members for local council elections and the election of ward delegates to party conferences. Their role is equally important in the mobilisation of voters at election time, membership drive and the education of voters.
Away from wards, the SDF features electoral districts which are instrumental in the organisation of primaries for elections to the National Assembly. Electoral districts which cover Sub Divisions or would-be Sub divisions also nominate electoral district delegates to SDF regional conferences and the National Convention of the party. The party’s organisation creates and stresses the role of Divisional Coordination Committees to oversee the activities of existing electoral districts. They are empowered to act as a liaison service for the executive committee of all the electoral districts within the division. It is the Regional Conference of the SDF that organises primaries for parliamentary and Presidential elections while the National Executive and its standing committees represent the summit of the party.