The 60th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference holds in Yaounde amid challenges for solidarity and determination to give it the meaning deserved. Without solidarity within member states of this enviable association, the C.P.C. would boast of little beyond the impressive speeches and corporate strategies that mark the event.
Fortunately, despite its challenges, the C.P.C. focuses more on rendering life worth living through democratic governance, accountability, peaceful co-existence, respect of human rights and socio-economic development.
Considering that the Commonwealth of Nations, the mother organization of the CPC with 53 its member states is second only to the United Nations organization in terms of membership, developmental structure and organization, who doubts the great role it can play through the various world Parliaments in particular and nations at large? The onerous tasks of alleviating poverty, hunger, underdevelopment, disease, unemployment, geo-political conflicts and terrorism are glaring. Regrettably, most of these societal ills have become unwelcome guests in comfortable seats surprisingly in member states of organizations or associations which in collaboration with governments of member states could weather the storms.
Within the member states of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the disturbing trends which range from poverty, youth unemployment, and disease, to terrorism and political instability, demand efforts stepped up to see that resolutions taken in conferences are implemented by all member states. For, without this the C.P.Cs. would mean very little to member states, the association itself, and observers.
The Yaounde 60th edition of the C.P.C. is holding when many children on this part of our continent are not able to return to school. They have either lost their parents or have been displaced from their homes as a result of the atrocities of unpatriotic elements (Boko Haram) who in the name of religion shamelessly involve themselves in what no religious faith permits. Where these misguided citizens get their funding from to perpetrate their misdeeds is a cause for concern. The trend can be altered through solidarity for a common front; the trends can be altered through effective cooperation.
The impressive attendance at the Yaounde 60th edition of the C.P.C. is indeed demonstration of how determined member states of this great association are, in the sacrifice for issues that concern the welfare of their regions, their nations and the association itself. But a lot more would be achieved if as members of an enviable association, member states work together with solidarity not only to attract more admiration, but also reap abundantly the fruits of cooperation and solidarity.
It is hoped that in the workshops that delve into vital concerns such as the New Millennium Development Goals, the challenges of unity in diversity, the role of parliaments joining hands for Women’s Rights, Good Governance, transparency, Accountability, youths and sustainable Development will enable participants to share their experiences, as well as resolve what should be embraced at national levels in the interest of their people.