Bernard Njonga’s Believe In Cameroon is one in the latest of registered political parties.
One of Cameroon’s recently created political parties, Believe In Cameroon, BIC, is due to formally launch its activities in a rural setting in the Far North Region later this month. The party, one of the latest among the 297 so far registered in the country, was presented to the media in Yaounde on October 28, 2014. Speaking at the press conference, the founder, Bernard Njonga, promised to ensure that the country’s agriculture becomes more productive by employing a larger number of people.
Formerly a civil society and consumer rights protection activist, Bernard Njonga, has now taken on the new role of partisan politics. He launched his party at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel in a hall adorned with giant posters of various Cameroonian agricultural activities. The hitherto leader of the ACDIC consumer rights group promised to get grassroots people out of poverty by improving their livelihoods. “To start with agriculture is a choice BIC proudly affirms without complex,” says one of the catch phrases in the flyers distributed at the event.
The new party is also of the conviction that changing Cameroon starts with changing the people through messages devoid of insults and accusations. Describing itself as “a political party that speaks for the people,” BIC says it intends to empower Cameroonians to become political actors by restoring confidence in them to look for solutions to their development challenges. While promising to help Cameroonians dare the present system together, Bernard Njonga’s party vows to be different from others by never offering ‘gifts’ or money in exchange for votes or political favours.