After meeting in Yaounde, they resolved to carry out the 2014-2030 strategy in two phases.
At the end of four days of concertation in Yaounde (November 4-7, 2014) on what direction energy development in Central Africa should take, experts in the sector have agreed on an implementation plan of a 2014-2030 strategy code-named, “Strategic Document for the Regional Energy Policy of the Central African Power Pool.”
While the document is still to be presented to Ministers of Energy of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) for their approval during their meeting next month (December 2014) in N’Djamena, Chad and then to the Heads of State, participants at the Yaounde meeting already proposed that the plan be implemented in two phases.
The first phase runs from 2014-2019 and consists in finalizing strategic document like the master plan and updating certain fundamental documents on electricity. During this period, the Central African Power Pool (CAPP) will focus on developing energy production infrastructure as well as high tension energy transportation network. Meanwhile, the second segment runs from 2020-2030 and comprises inter-State connection of electricity and trans-border electrification.
It also emerged from the Yaounde discussions that 30 million US dollars (about FCFA 15.8 billion) will be needed to transform the vision into reality. Experts said mobilizing the sum needs synergy by all actors and a clear vision of priority projects to be executed. Reason why they said the N’Djamena Minister’s meeting will be crucial on the issue.
Like in the opening ceremony, the Inspector General in the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy, Huges Ngadeu Molapie, prayed all stakeholders to put the recommendations of the Yaounde meeting into practice so that Central Africa can maximize its full energy potentials not only to bring clean and modern energy for both household and industrial use but also to speed up socio-economic development that comes with the growth tool in member countries.