An open day for the International School of Security Forces (EIFORCES) held on Tuesday March 24, in Yaounde and Awaé. Trainees of the International School of Security Forces better known by its French acronym as EIFORCES have demonstrated their operational tactics and techniques public peace maintenance, security and judicial investigations amongst others. The trainees demonstrate their savoir-faire on Tuesday during an open day organised to showcase their abilities and facilities of the school to its partners.
The open day opened at the Yaounde Mount Febe Hotel with power point presentations of the different divisions of the school which for now runs two campuses in Ngousso (Yaounde) and in Awaé in Mefou Afamba division.
Speaking during the open day, the Director General of EIFORCES, Police Commissioner Doum-Ndongo, stated that EIFORCES is a community oriented institution with a vision of human security fashioned for social crisis and democratic governance in the public security sector. The institution which is one of its kind in Africa develops multi-dimensional capacities of Police and Gendarmes officers for peace missions as well as judicial investigations be it during normal or crisis periods. The training according to the Director General is focused on three domains which include prevention of conflict and peace maintenance, governance of security services and international police cooperation. During the power point presentation, the Director of Studies revealed that two major divisions namely Fundamental training division which caters for public order and judicial investigations and the division of higher studies which trains cadres for conceptions, decisions and management of security and peace missions.
Before moving to the Awaé campus, the participants at the open day which included diplomatic services, representatives of the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU), officials of the National Security and Defence amongst others, stopped by at the Ngousso campus which host the offices and lecture rooms for the cadres. At Awaé, the guests were thrilled during the guided tour of the campus by the performances of the trainees from over fifteen African countries with rescue operations, neutralisation of riot and criminal attacks, shooting exercises, operating automatic pistols amongst others.