Dispatched by the Central Committee of the ruling party, Honourable Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, during the week, raised financial support to enrol poor militants in Fako.
As recently expressed by the central body of the CPDM in a conclave, the sale of party cards introduced last November has not been so far encouraging. Worried by the situation that less than 30 per cent of the cards had been sold, the party concerted recently and dispatched envoy
to the field to get party cards into the hands of desiring militants.
The Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, was assigned the mission to her base in Fako Division (South West Region) where she has combed the five statutory sections of the CPDM based in Limbe, Idenau, Tiko, Muyuka and Buea.
A few days ago in Buea, seat of Fako III Section with 30 Sub-Sections, Hon. Lifaka stimulated the elite to raise FCFA 8 million on the spot to buy party cards for needy militants. The Central Committee envoy immediately set up a local follow-up committee, headed by the GCE Board Registrar, Humphrey Ekema Monono, to acquire the cards and distribute to needy militants. It was made clear that a militant already holding the old party card will not be required to buy a new one.
A persistent question came up as to how the distribution of such subsidized cards would be conducted. Honourable Lifaka replied that the follow-up committee will see into details. She regretted, however, that some 60 per cent of Section Presidents across the country confiscated the consignment of cards sent last November to the base.
During the party card fund raising in Buea, many of the elite threw in their weight contributing valuable sums to support the exercise. The exercise that anticipates the reorganisation of the basic organs of the party seeks a clearer visibility of the bulk of militancy and hunts for party funds.