The amount was contributed during a solidarity meeting in Buea on Saturday to assist the military.
The continuous popular support to the Armed Forces and President Paul Biya in the fight against Boko Haram shows no sign of abating in the South West Region. Saturday April 18, 2015, was yet another day with a massive turnout of the population at the Buea Independent Square.
The solidarity meeting kicked-off at 10 am with Senator Peter Mafany Musonge chairing the event which started with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a welcome address by the Mayor of Buea, Ekema Patrick. Before financial contributions, there was an intensive inter-religious prayer session in which Pastors, Priests and Imams prayed for an end to the security challenges Cameroon is facing.
They also prayed to God give President Paul Biya the strength, good health and wisdom in his fight against Boko Haram. Also, they committed the lives of our soldiers into the hands of the Almighty God for protection and guidance, as well as the peaceful repose of the souls of soldiers who have died at battle defending our country. The prayers also focused on civilians who have also lost their lives in the terrorist attacks.
During the fund raising session, the population contributed in cash and kind to support the military and the internally displaced persons of the Far North Region. Over FCFA 41 million was raised on the spot. With an earlier contribution of FCFA 44 million, Saturday’s package brings the total contribution of the South West to well over FCFA 85 million. Senator Peter Mafany Musonge called for unflinching support of all and sundry to our Head of State and our military in the fight against Boko Haram. The event, he said, is a vivid testimony which demonstrates that the unity of Cameroonians is more powerful than that of the terrorist group.
He said the terrorists should know that Cameroon is one and indivisible and that the South West and other regions of Cameroon stand for unity, freedom of worship, peace, tolerance, amongst others. “We shall not stumble, Cameroon will prevail,” the Senator Stressed. A motion of support to our Head of State and a solidarity walk aimed at showing the South West’s determination in supporting President Paul Biya in the fight against Boko Haram, were some major highlights of the event.