A brochure recently released by the Ministry of External Relations showcases its frontline role in promoting economic development.
The attainment of economic emergence by Cameroon by the year 2035 as envisaged by President Paul Biya, has come to bear on all arms of government, each playing its role to facilitate the mobilisation of resources and opportunities especially by the private sector and foreign partners to spur growth.
A recent publication by the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) entitled “Economic Diplomacy on the Move” highlights the role played by MINREX to promote economic development. The 100-page brochure was produced within the framework of the Ministry’s first participation at the fifth edition of the International Exhibition for Enterprises, SMEs and Partnerships of Yaounde (PROMOTE) that held from 6 to 14 December 2014 in Yaounde.
In an introductory statement, The Minister of External Relations, Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo justified his ministry’s participation, stating that is was to expand and increase the opportunities for collaboration. “Already, Cameroon’s diplomatic network is ensuring the increased mobilization of foreign companies and is the necessary interface for prospective delegations of entrepreneurs from around the world,” he said.
The ministry is affirming is presence in the business sphere under a new “Economic Diplomacy” drive put in place by the Minister Mbonjo with inspiration from President Biya’s “Diplomatic Renaissance” concept announced on December 31, 2010 as underlying his “Greater Achievements” and “Greater Accomplishments” policies. The brochure further explains that the “Economic Diplomacy” which is well enshrined in the April 22, 2013 decree organising Minrex places it as an essential relay in charge of projecting and deploying the economic diplomacy of the State of Cameroon. In that regard it “collects and disseminates to other Ministries, information on foreign States and international organisations that may facilitate the activities of public services.” The Ministry’s structural design has been adapted to that effect in two priority areas: traditional partnerships with developed countries and the gradual development of a priority area with new emerging countries.
In separate parts, the brochure highlights the Ministry’s role in drawing economic benefits through agreements with opportunities offered by the Francophonie, the Commonwealth and NEPAD, amongst others. Besides negotiating and signing agreements, MINREX ensures its economic diplomacy offensive through bilateral cooperation joint commissions, intergovernmental consultations, business forums, economic and business days as well as participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.
Cameroonians living abroad are also mobilized for capitalising the multifaceted potentials of the Diaspora, the brochure projects, is a stake for economic, social and cultural development.