Cameroon’s Indomitable Lionesses returned home last evening after rekindling an enviable soccer image that was once Cameroonians’. Above all, they demonstrated a patriotic spirit expected of not only
football players, but also fellow Cameroonians in all walks of life. What a lesson! What a challenge!
From the eliminatory series, through their test matches up to the time they left for Vancouver in Canada, the Lionesses and their coach, Enow Ngatchu faced much of what could have made them wonder if other compatriots were aware of what was stake. But these Lionesses demonstrated their professional maturity. By winning two games and narrowly conceding two defeats, the team in effect, proved that, it is not size of the dog in the fight, but size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner. They were participating at that level for their first time with veterans like China and Japan, but proved their worth the great way.
Feudjio Raissa the enviable midfielder; Gaelle Enganamouit, the tactful scorer, Gabrielle Aboudi Onguene, and Annette Ngo Ndom, the amazing goal keeper, with the rest of the team, made Cameroonians proud. This spirit should be instilled in all players. Their safe return home should serve as a moment for reflection and positive action for a peaceful soccer revolution.
In this light, we must strategize and work together, on the way forward. This demands continuous concern not only for our football teams and their coaches, but also the provision of football stadia, and other infrastructure that facilitate development and training at national and regional levels. For, we need heroic patriots not only in football and other sporting disciplines, but also in the public and private sectors of national stewardship.
This, however, can be relegated to wishful thinking if we continue to see, and admire what is available elsewhere, but do not, work hard to acquire what we need. Without good football infrastructure, we would continue to console ourselves with participations whereas we should participate with the aim of winning. This is not an impossibility. Other teams, non African have done at these FIFA World Cup tournaments. We can.
Without encouragement and motivations we would continue to pride ourselves in heroes whose honour and that of their country could be easily lost owing to negligence, inertia, and miscarriage of priorities.
Fortunately, these weaknesses are already being fought out and can indeed be relegated to history.
We are human, and like all human beings, are vulnerable to errors, but mistakes ought to serve as sources of learning. They should enable us to seek a way forward by embracing strategies that help us to forge ahead, while relinquishing those that keep us retarded.
The Indomitable Lionesses that have brought us honour despite their narrow defeat at the eighth final at the Vancouver World Cup tournament deserve our congrats, thanks, and material support.
However, the state is already doing its part. The Bocom Petroleum Company has also offered FCFA 23 million, and some individuals are already thinking loud to appreciate the Lionesses in various forms. Great!
As we celebrate the heroic performance of our Female team that is back home, after an impressesive representation at the Vancouver FIFA World Cup tournament, let us focus on developmental challenges not only in the domain of football, but also other areas that demand careful planning and execution.