Two bills on the Physical Protection and Non-proliferation of Nuclear materials and that for the promotion of Small and Medium-size enterprises were examined yesterday in Yaounde.
Three bills forwarded by the National Assembly to the Senate for second reading, were scrutinized yesterday June 24, 2015, in Yaounde by Foreign Affairs and Production and Trade Committees of the Senate. The first bill is to authorise the President of the Republic to ratify the amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Material, adopted on July 8, 2005, with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as depositary. The bill will be presented and defended before the Foreign Affairs Committee by the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, assisted by the Minister of External Relations.
The second bill is to authorise the President of the Republic to ratify the additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Republic of Cameroon and the IAEA for the application of Safeguards pursuant to the Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons signed in Vienna on December 16, 2004. Minister Madeleine Tchuinte of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation assisted by the Minister Delegate in the Ministry of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Islamic World Adoum Gargoum defended the bills as she provided explanations to concerns raised by members of the Foreign Affairs Committee headed by Senator Fon Doh Ganyonga III.
Meanwhile, the Committee for Production and Trade also scrutinised the third bill which is to amend and supplement some provisions of Law No. 2010/1 of April 13, 2010 relating to the Promotion of Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) in Cameroon. The Minister of Small and Medium-size Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicraft, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa took time off to defend the bill which seeks to redefine and introduce innovations in the SMEs in Cameroon four years after the enactment of the law. Both defences of the bills by the cabinet ministers at the Commission hall of the Senate were witnessed by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relation with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali.