Cooperation between Cameroon and France implanted during the mandatory/Trusteeship periods, has remained multidimensional till date.
Historians who projected an end to relations between Cameroon and France after the end of UN Trusteeship in 1960 must have rewritten their history books. In fact, the end of trusteeship that ushered in the independence of French Cameroon in 1960, opened floodgates of new cooperation viewed from an angle of nationhood. Since then the two countries have continued to work to keep the flame of friendliness burning. This has been done through several approaches; one of which has been continuous exchange of visits. The announced visit to Cameroon of the French leader, President François Hollande ties squarely with this goal. A visit of this magnitude has often provoked hair raising questions especially one that is coming after rumours of the state of relations between the two countries.
What is however important to note is that, France as a nation and Cameroon as a one-time mandatory and trust territory administered by France and Britain, have all along worked hard to keep their cooperation afloat. This has so far been translated through several domains including, politics, economy, military and culture. In effect, cooperation between France and Cameroon hinges on a well defined legal framework. Diplomatically, relations between the two countries were established at Ambassadorial level as far back as 1960 following the independence of French Cameroon. This was followed by the setting up of consulates in some towns in Cameroon notably in Garoua and Douala. All these have been done to facilitate and foster cooperation between the two nations. And it is certainly within this framework that Cameroon and France today count a multiplicity of exchange visits including 23 bilateral meetings during the past five years, ten of which occurred at the summit.
Strategic Position
France continues to occupy an important position at the pinnacle of Cameroon’s economic and commercial activity. In the same way, Cameroon remains France’s choice partner in the CEMAC sub region. Even though trade balance between the two countries has not been in favour of Cameroon, the fact is that it continues to take an upward direction. Cameroon’s non oil exports to France include: aluminium, fruits, cash crops such as cocoa, coffee, banana and agro-industrial products like, chocolate, and forest products. France remains the first investor in Cameroon despite the influx into the country of investments from other countries.
Relations between France and Cameroon have equally been compounded by the medley of technical, scientific and financial cooperation. Under the authority of the French Ambassador, French action within this framework is implemented essentially through the French Development Agency (AFD), Cooperation and Cultural Action Service (SCAC) and Military Cooperation and Defence Mission (MCMD). According to the department of European Affairs in the Ministry of External Relations, cooperation in terms of technical assistance is on a downward trend translated by a decrease in the number of French technical experts in Cameroon. The same source explains that the decrease is as a result of an increase in the number of Cameroonian experts in certain sectors that were initially the preserve of the French. Cooperation in terms of project financing has maintained its steam.
Areas of action include rural development where the AFD has invested in the agro-industry sector, wood, livestock and village water supply; infrastructure where several agreements have been signed to develop low cost housing, rehabilitate urban roads, national roads such as Yaounde-Ambam, and construct bridges, notably the second Wouri Bridge presently under construction. Several of the projects are under execution within the framework of the Debt Relief and Development Contract (C2D).