About 300 donors turned out for the blood collection campaign that took place yesterday in Yaounde.
“He who gives blood gives life” was the slogan that featured in the few speeches that were echoed yesterday July 15, 2015 at the Camair neighbourhood in Yaounde when members of the National Syndicate of Semi-urban and Rural Drivers of Cameroon gathered to donate blood to both Cameroonian and Chadian soldiers as well as civilian victims of the Boko Haram barbarism in the Far North Region.
The ceremony that brought together close to 300 blood donors from the transporters’ trade union was also witnessed by the Minister of Labour and Social Security, GrégoireOwona, who expressed government’s gratitude to the organisers of the exercise for supporting the Defence Forces at the war front.GrégoireOwona seized the opportunity to encourage the transporters to subscribe to the voluntary insurance scheme with the National Social Insurance Fund in line with the prescriptions of the Prime Minister.
ToZamboAmougou Jean Marie of the Confederation of Workers in Cameroon (CSTC) and ProsperEssomba of the National Syndicate of Semi-urban and Rural Drivers (SYNCTRAPURCAM), the blood donation exercise is a sign for their engagement for peace in the country. The trade unionist said they are donating blood to save the lives of soldiers who are defending the territorial integrity of the nation. Yesterday’s exercise was carried out by health personnel from the YaoundeGyneco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital and the YaoundeMilitary hospital.