After last Friday’s cabinet reshuffle and yesterday’s commissioning by the Prime Minister/Head of government, Philemon Yang, the new team is at last set to work.
In the apparently minor, but significant overhaul, 12 cabinet Ministers were relieved of their duties, 11 new faces came in, while 6 changed portfolios. Now, the long-expected changes have been effected, and a new Cabinet in place. What next? The answer is obvious. The task of nation-building is continuous, the challenges many, and the setbacks to sustainable efforts glaring. Consequently, the coordination, and application of strategies for the attainment of objectives should not be abandoned to members of Government. They need cooperation from compatriots and commitment to all that yields dividends.
Following last Friday’s cabinet reshuffle, the long awaited event was celebrated in song and dance, wining and dining by friends, families, and well-wishers. Nothing strange about their joy. But this jubilation must be backed by patriotic support. Compatriots that have been assigned to various state duties need this support to execute their duties efficiently and effectively. They need this cooperation, and support not only from their immediate collaborators, but also their friends, family members and professional consultants.
Regrettably, some consultants have become so money-minded that they no longer care about the results expected from those they serve. Yet, the quest for money must not let us ignore national objectives. Unfortunately, some friends, and even collaborators celebrate with the new ministers on the day of their appointment, but start working against them the next day. What a shame that such compatriots, do not seem to realize that they, do this against the state and our common future!
Worse, some do not even realize that such retrograde behavior portrays political immaturity on their part. Yet, those vying for promotion ought to portray what qualifies them for higher posts of responsibility in the various domains of stewardship. President Biya’s 34th cabinet reshuffle has been effected at a time when Cameroon, like most African countries, is faced with insecurity triggered by Boko Haram insurgents besides a variety of developmental problems. These range from poor road infrastructure, inadequate energy and undeveloped sports facilities, to mention just these few. What a challenge for the present Cabinet, our legislatures, non-governmental organizations and citizens! We all face the Challenge of weathering the storms that threaten our common future.
For, it is indeed a stressful lag that in 2015, the year, the New Millennium Development Goals should have attained a peak, we are gravely confronted by global insecurity, incredible migrations, and senseless protectionist trends. Our challenges are many, but their solutions are possible, and the future promising should our efforts be geared toward changes that yield positive results. The new Cameroon Government, the realms of power, and individual citizens should rethink the demands of our common future, and work together like people aware of what is at stake.